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Styling and what to wear for your family Christmas photoshoot


I get asked all the time what is best to wear for my yearly family Christmas sessions, so here is a little style guide to suit my 2024 set ups.

You've seen the mood board so know what to expect here and I could not be more excited for this set up. A classic car with a Christmas tree on top with all the added gorgeousness of that barn courtyard and of course the snow machine to have so much fun in! Winter coats, hats and scarfs are highly encouraged here. Colours that would work really well are; Browns, neutrals, greens, reds and burgundy's.

This year I am planning a super cosy, warm and neutral coloured bed scene inside the barn. Pyjamas are of course an option but not necessary. If you are opting for pyjamas then I personally would go for white or cream pyjamas that have a hint of gold or Christmas sparkle on them as they would hit the theme but not distract too much away from those gorgeous little faces. Silk material is very 'in' this year so classic warm reds or greens would work very well too. However you do not need to wear pyjamas... if you prefer to dress in daytime clothes for these sessions, then I'm here for that too!
For the boys, I love camel coloured chinos and smart little checked shirt.
The girls can use this excuse to get dressed up all sparkly in little dresses, black tights and furry little gilets.
Neutral, knitted jumpers and jeans would also work really for the Dads, as would lighter coloured or green trousers.
And for the mums, I love a cream jumper or dress, those silky midi skirts are gorgeous and easy to pair up with the neutral them but love the sparkles to match the girlies just as much too!

I just try to avoid bright reds if possible as although we think they would look great for a Christmas photo, they can be a bit too bright and distracting sometimes and you're also likely to get a colour cast on skin too.

I will have a small selection of options from my client wardrobe which i'll be bringing along too, so if there's anytihng you'd like to borrow, just drop me a message and ill see what I have!


Here are those gorgeous mood boards again,
that I'm using for this years set ups!


Christmas photoshootkent.JPG
Christmas mood board 2024.JPG

And here are some of my favourite images from last year! Oh I can't wait to get going again!!

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